• Descriptive and memorable domain name for business selling fitted and walk-in wardrobes
• Perfect for Google Adword and other marketing campaigns aimed at anyone searching for a walk-in wardrobe
• Typically there are 9,900 searches for the term 'walk-in wardrobe' every month in the UK via Google alone
• One of those domain names that will pay for itself by attracting just two or three new customers - and will then continue to work for you for years to come
• Asking price also includes the related domain name, WalkInWardrobes.uk
• Build a website on this domain or use it for marketing purposes and direct it to your existing website
• Use email addresses associated with this domain such as [email protected]
• Transfer fees are included in price
• Escrow service available on this domain name offering payment protection prior to domain name transfer and complete peace of mind
• As a guide to related domain sales, BedroomFurniture.co.uk for £57,500 in December, 2009, OakBeds.co.uk for £5,100 in March, 2010 and FittedBedrooms.co.uk for £5,500 in November, 2009