The average cost of a basic funeral in 2023 is £4,141 with prices rising year on year. An increasing number of people are choosing the cheaper option of organising it all themselves and are turning to the internet to save money by buying a coffin online
• The value of these domain names to a business meeting this increasing demand, will only increase with time
• Great marketing tool for a coffin manufacturer or retailer - the cost per click (CPC) for the search term 'the coffin shop' is £1.01 for Google Ads
• Excellent investment for anyone looking to establish credibility and get a competitive edge over rival companies
• Names that contain relevant keywords that users may search for can help with SEO (search engine optimisation), boost online visibility and generate extra traffic
• Very easy to remember, which is a key factor in reducing your marketing costs. It's also perfect for a Google Adwords campaign or any other form of advertising
• Email addresses such as [email protected], add professionalism and trust to your communications
• Just a couple of extra sales will pay for it and then it continues to work for you 24/7
• Transfer fees are included in price
• Escrow service available on this domain name offering payment protection prior to domain name transfer and complete peace of mind
• As a guide to related domain sales, sold for £12,000 in February 2021, sold for £5,000 in March 2006, sold for £5,000 in April 2008 and sold for £8,850 in August 2018
• Don't have a website or need help with SEO or online marketing? We can help! Just get in touch to discuss what you need and we'll give you a no-obligation quote.